
2020: the driverless car is nigh

By 2020 cars will be driving themselves. From Europe to Japan, the mobility of the future is undergoing testing, but there are obstacles along the way.

By 2020 cars will be driving themselves. From Europe to Japan, the mobility of the future is undergoing testing, but there are obstacles along the way.

In five years at most, cars on the road will be driving themselves. From Ford to Tesla, along with outsiders such as Apple, almost all have announced the launch of their own self-driven vehicles for private use and car-sharing fleets between 2020 and 2021. Google and FCA have been in the race for some time, and on 3 May they announced a partnership to develop this technology together. FCA is in the process of kitting out a hundred or so Chrysler Pacifica Hybrid minivans with sensors and the necessary computers. Google is hoping to start testing the completed software system by the end of the year.

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