
Piadina, a very ancient bread

A typical italian food, quite well known also abroad, is "piadina".

Piadina is a typical Italian flatbread  made of flour, lard, salt and water. It used to be made from ancient time and, as many other famous dishes, it comes from an ancient tradition as a poor dish. 
Giovanni Pascoli created a link between the word “piadina” and “Romagna” itself, celebrating this tie writing a poem in which he calls piadina the “national Romagna’s bread”.
Currently piadina has been appointed as IGP product in Italy and there are only two variants: “Piadina Romagnola” o “Piada Romagnola” e la “Piadina Romagnola” o “Piada Romagnola” alla Riminese. The first may vary from 15 to 25 cm in diameter, with a thickness which of 4 to 8 mm, compact, rigid and brittle. The second one is soft and flexible, with a diameter that varies from 23 to 30 cm and with a thickness which can reach up to 3 millimeters.
Today piadina lends itself to many different preparations: it can be stuffed with salami, be enjoyed stuffed with cheese and vegetables, or can also be served as a dessert. Vegans can now also enjoy piadina,  because during the making of it, use of lard can be replaced with olive oil.
Here you find my personal version you can follow to easily make piadina at home.
180 g of lard (Mora Romagnola is the proper they use in Italy)
1 kilo of 00 flour
Water or milk, about 500 ml
1 teaspoon baking soda
Salt (preferably from Cervia) to taste
Mix all ingredients together in a planetary, adding water a little at a time, because depending on the quality of flour you’re using, the quantity could change. You’ll have to add enough water to make a soft dough but not sticky.
Cover the dough with a kitchen towel and let rest for about half an hour.
After this time, divide the dough in small pieces and roll them big as the size of the pain you’re gling to use to cook them. Heat a non-stick pan, and when it’s pretty hot, cook your piadinas a couple of minutes per side.





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