
Corruption, Transparency International: Italy second to last in Europe

Not-one single country anywhere in the world is corruption free. Italy is still very far from its goals in the rank of corruption. That’s what Transparency International said in its report, the Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI ) that analyses the situation in 168 countries . Italy is ranked 61 with a score of 44 points on a scale from 0 (highly corrupt ) to 100 (very clean), same score of Lesotho, Senegal, Montenegro and South Africa. While Italy is the penultimate in EU countries rank. Denmark, Sweden and Finland are the less corrupted. Compared to last year's global rank our country gained a point in the score, from 43 to 44, and eight positions in the rank from 69 to 61.

It seems possible to see some little and weak steps toward an anticorruption fight, but regarding Italy in EU rank it is still on the bottom of the rank, followed only by Bulgaria, and it is still behind countries usually known to be highly corrupt like Greece and Romania, both ranked 58 with 46 points. “We are pleased to verify that finally there is about turn in the trend , even if very small, comparing with the past, that represents a hope for the coming years” Virginio Carnevali president of Transparency International Italy says  “As the news confirm the walk is still long , but with persistence it is possible to reach goals . In these days the Italian Chamber approved the laws on whistle blowing, public administrations are day by day becoming more transparent and open, a proposal of regulation arrived to Montecitorio”.

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