
A conversation with Muhammad Jibran Nasir, a symbol of Pakistan’s battle against the demons of the past

The December 16th massacre of Peshawar has inflicted a huge blow to the entire Pakistani nation, sparking a heated internal debate about the responsibilities of terrorism. For years, the country has been the scene of frequent terrorist attacks, which have caused tens of thousands of victims. Nevertheless, the authorities have always shown a certain reluctance to distance theirselves from religious extremism, even by its most bloody expressions.

The December 16th massacre of Peshawar has inflicted a huge blow to the entire Pakistani nation, sparking a heated internal debate about the responsibilities of terrorism. For years, the country has been the scene of frequent terrorist attacks, which have caused tens of thousands of victims. Nevertheless, the authorities have always shown a certain reluctance to distance theirselves from religious extremism, even by its most bloody expressions.


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