
A first report on the president

I’m an optimist. If one year ago you had told me all the things that we would have done,  people  would  havevoted to lock me up in an asylum.

I’m an optimist. If one year ago you had told me all the things that we would have done,  people  would  havevoted to lock me up in an asylum.

But here we are, I’m the president”. Not exactly a phrase you would like to hear from your country’s leader, es- pecially during a period of profound crisis. In the first months of his man- date, however, Argentinian President Mauricio Macri has already proven himself to be a curious mix of humour and melancholy. Some in Argentina accuse him of being too sincere. They call him sincericídio, a slang expres- sion that combines the positive as- pects of sincerity with the destruc- tiveness of homicide and suicide. One of Macri’s predecessors, the Peronist president and liberalist Carlos Menem, whose rule was a tragic ap- petiser for the era of the cartoneros and the crisis of 2001, was accused of the same flaw.

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