
After one year, all you have not been told about Crimea

A year has passed Russian annexation of the Crimea. The international community has never formally recognized the transfer of sovereignty, but the same had to accept it as a done deal. Meanwhile, all claim the primal right to the peninsula on the Black Sea. But it is a wrong criterion. That's why.


“Crimea is ours,” Who said that? The answer is easy: all. Russians shout it, Ukrainians say it in a low voice, even the Tatars try to affirm it. The truth is that the Crimea is of those who have it. Today, it is a fact, it’s Russia. Yesterday it belonged to Ukraine, the day before yesterday again Russia, once, perhaps, it belonged to the Tatars. And before that, well, there were dinosaurs. And what about the people who live there? After all, it matters little.

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