
Barriers to the Labour Market Integration of Refugees

It takes refugees up to twenty years to have similar employment as the native born. In the first five years after arrival in the host country only one in four refugees is employed. After ten years in the country, the employment rate is about 56%, three points less than other groups of migrants and at least nine points less than the native born. Being unemployed for a long time makes it difficult for a native person to regain access to the labour market, but for a refugee it is quite impossible. That’s what is written in a report by the OECD and the Employment DG of the EU Commission.

It takes refugees up to twenty years to have similar employment as the native born. In the first five years after arrival in the host country only one in four refugees is employed. After ten years in the country, the employment rate is about 56%, three points less than other groups of migrants and at least nine points less than the native born. Being unemployed for a long time makes it difficult for a native person to regain access to the labour market, but for a refugee it is quite impossible. That’s what is written in a report by the OECD and the Employment DG of the EU Commission.

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