
Brexit e Varoufakis the Englishman

Yanis Varoufakis has moved smoothly from radical professor to failed finance minister to international celebrity. His latest triumph is to get Noam Chomsky to join DiEM25, the international political movement he is trying to get off the ground. In America, this puts him into superstar territory. In Greece, he remains principally a theorist of the Greek economic catastrophe, speaking in technical terms about the specifics of the country’s endless-seeming negotations with the ‘troika’ of the European Commission, the European Central Bank and the IMF. But as Great Britain’s referendum on leaving the European Union approaches, I would like to focus on another version of Yanis Varoufakis: the English version.


Christopher Lord  has lived in nine countries and speaks seven languages. His books include Politics and Parallel Cultures, and his journalism has been published world-wide.

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