
East 37





That’s incredible

MAO’S SHADOW – “The Little Red Book” of quotations from Communist China’s founding father Chairman Mao Zedong was a must-have in China in the days when Red Guards roamed the streets looking for any signs of ideological wavering.

Bulgakov’s Kiev: Then and Now

Mikhail Bulgakov serial novel “The White Guard” provides one of the best portraits of Kiev in the stormy years before and after the Russian Revolution. The protagonist, clearly the writer’s alter ego, watches as his way of life comes crumbling down around his.

By the numbers

DIGITALAUDIENCE – European TV viewers are growing when it comes to digital channels. While traditional television has more or less static numbers, digital TV has made inroads.


Climate Migration: Global Pressures and Responses

AfCFTA: African Internal Trade Awakening

Food System and Migration

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