
East 39




Russia will hold parliamentary elections on December 4. Assuming the trends detected by a number recent sociological surveys hold true, the new Russian Parliament (Duma) will number representatives from three parties, the ruling United Russia Party, headed by Prime Minister Vladimir Putin; the Communist Party (KPRF); and the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia (LDPR) headed by nationalist-populist Vladimir Zhirinovsky.

That’s incredible

PUPPY BEWARE – Man’s best friend is increasingly a victim of the global economic crisis. In the United States dog kidnappings are on the rise, with the pets abducted from private homes, shops, kennels, parks and streets, according to an article in “USA Today.”

By the numbers

PHONE ABSTINENCE – 33%: Percent of Americans who’d give up sex for a week rather than surrendering their mobile phone (70%women).

Rieff: Navigating the Pain of Others

American writer and advocate David Rieff has a complex relationship with humanitarianism and the assistance it provides.

Recommended reading

Yulia Latynina – Il richiamo dell’onore – Reviewed by Elena Murdaca. Diane Ducret – Le donne dei dittatori – Reviewed by Marina Gersony. Amruta Patil – Nel cuore di Smog City – Reviewed by Paola Tassi. Carlo Buldrini – Lontano dal Tibet. Storie da una nazione in esilio – Reviewed by Claudia Astarita.


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rivista di geopolitica, geopolitica e notizie dal mondo