
East 40


Freedom is sweet.” Mahmoud, a journalist in his fifties, utters these words while displaying a toothless grin and a childlike smile. amounts to a patchwork of warring militias. I met him a year ago during a CGTunion march on Avenue Bourguiba in Tunisi.



Western Shore

The EU:Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow.

In Numbers

HARNESSING WIND – Europe depends on wind power. Estonia, with a growth rate of 32%, tops the wind-power charts. Croatia was up 28%, Poland 22%, and Romania, 10%.

The Financial Spring

Arab Spring countries, many of them savaged by rioting, are slowly picking up the economic pieces. Some of them are turning to Europe to revive old deals.

Dossier Reading


The Many Arab Springs

Photo essay.  Sidi Bouzid, Tunisia, Jan. 17, 2011: It’s been a year since the death of Mohamed Bouazizi, the young Tunisian activist whose self-immolation served as a catalyst for the unprecedented popular revolts that began in this country and soon spread to neighboring North African and Middle East states.

Nachtwey’s Powerful Vision

Veteran American photographer James Nachtwey began his career in New Mexico in 1976, later moving to New York City where he joined Time Magazine. He has dedicated the last three decades to covering global conflicts, producing some of the most arresting war images of recent times.

That’s Incredible

Mantras and gender. In Western meditation course anyone can chant mantras, if only in an effort to relax.

Eastern Shore

Eastern Europe Faces Financial Risks  and Social Tension.


Climate Migration: Global Pressures and Responses

AfCFTA: African Internal Trade Awakening

Food System and Migration

rivista di geopolitica, geopolitica e notizie dal mondo