
An emergency Jubilee

There were seven jubilees, including three extraordinary ones, in the 20th century. The pope has declared an extraordinary jubilee dedicated to mercy set to begin in December.

There were seven jubilees, including three extraordinary ones, in the 20th century. The pope has declared an extraordinary jubilee dedicated to mercy set to begin in December.

The Jubilee of Mercy, which begins on 8 December, is not the first extraordinary jubilee to have been proclaimed by the Roman Catholic Church. Since their inception in 1300, jubilee celebrations have been less about the completion of a standard period of time (at some point set at 25 years) and more a manifestation of a pope’s will. For instance, the 1800 Jubilee was not celebrated during the French occupation of Rome; nor the 1850 Jubilee, as the papacy had been only recently restored in Rome following the Roman Republic. Whereas in the 20th century, besides the standard holy years, three extraordinary jubilees were held (in 1933, 1966 and 1983), each of which was deeply significant.

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