
EU migrants bring economic gains to the UK

Immigrants are this century’s favourite scapegoats and migration policies are one of the most controversial subjects when it comes to politics. With the next parliamentary elections coming up next May 2015, 40% of the electorate claims immigration is the most pressing issue.

Another protagonist of the current political debate is the country’s future in the European Union.The United Kingdom Independence Party (Ukip) is the Euro-sceptic party par excellence and it is gaining popularity. Earlier this year Ukip won more seats than any other UK party in the European parliament and 14% of the electorate would vote for Ukip today. Amongst the Ukip’s key arguments is the one that the freedom of movement across the union is damaging the UK, as EU migrants are draining the UK’s finances without giving anything substantial back. The UK, the argument goes, should regain control of its borders by leaving the European Union.

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