
How rich is Putin?

The presidential allowance is EUR 100,000 per year, but according to the US Treasury, the Russian president is the head of a system of corruption worth a fortune. For some he’s even the richest man in the world.

Let’s start from the end. In an interview broadcasted Monday nightby the BBC, the US Treasury acting undersecretaryAdam Szubin said outright that Vladimir Putin is corrupt. It is the first time that a US senior official publicly confirms what is long time rumored. “We’ve seen him enriching his friends, his close allies, and marginalizing those who he doesn’t view as friends using state assets. Whether that’s Russia’s energy wealth,” said Szubin speaking at BBC’s Panorama. “Whether it’s other state contracts, he directs those to whom he believes will serve him and excludes those who don’t. To me, that is a picture of corruption. And the American government has known this for many, many years. “

The richest man in the world

The American suspects on the fortune made by Putin in the years date back to 2007, when he was at the end of his second term. Several confidential cables published by Wikileaks refer to offshore companies and accounts owned by the president. According to a secret CIA report of the same year, the assets of Putin is more than EUR 40 bn. That would make him the richest man in Europe. “He supposedly draws a state salary of something like $110,000 a year,” says Szubin. “That is not an accurate statement of the man’s wealth, and he has long time training and practices in terms of how to mask his actual wealth.”

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