
Ukraine: a new EU Member State?

Since the beginning of the war, Ukrainians have been asking to join the EU while Member States are undecided on how to behave. A fast entrance into EU seems to be impossible betraying unsolved integration issues

After the unlawful Russian invasion of Ukraine, discussions concerning the Ukrainian accession started among EU Member States. Probably there will be no fast-track convergence, but the operations to bring the country in the EU have sped up.

Ukrainian aspirations can be traced back to 2013, when the former president Yanukovych refused to sign the Association Agreement (AA) and the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement (DCFTA), lighting the spark for the 2014 pro-European Maiden revolution. As a consequence, the following Poroshenko government signed the AA. Putin’s discontent manifested quickly through the Crimea annexation and support to the Donbass war. Moreover, Russians were afraid of the DCFTA effects on their economy, which led to trilateral dialogues with EU and Ukraine.

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