
Over the River and into Utopia

Squeezed between the Dniester River and the Ukraine, Transnistria isn’t recognised by any of the world’s governments. Yet it has its own flag, currency, a capital and a Supreme Soviet with full powers. Welcome to the last of the Soviet socialist republics.

Squeezed between the Dniester River and the Ukraine, Transnistria isn’t recognised by any of the world’s governments. Yet it has its own flag, currency, a capital and a Supreme Soviet with full powers. Welcome to the last of the Soviet socialist republics.

Acouple of tourists emerge from the hostel in Tiraspol. They might be Dutch, or German. Timoti rubs his hands with glee, since this is his bisniz: sightseers roaming the Soviet amusement park that is Transnistria.

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