
Putin inner circle and St. Petersburg Mob

The largest investigation into the Russian mafia in Europe speaks Spanish. A report of almost 500 pages summarizes more than ten years of investigation. Among ministers and deputy prime ministers, links between the state and the mafia get evident. And the name of Putin is mentioned three times.

Prosecutors Juan Carrau and Jose Grinda sent the Spanish central court the more detailed report ever written on the activities of the Russian mafia abroad. Thousands of taped phone calls, scanned bank transfers, property and assets checked. At the end of the 448 pages the links between top government officials and members of the Tambov gang, a mafia clan prospered in St. Petersburg of the 90 when Putin was deputy mayor of the city, are more than a clue. And the Russian President himself is mentioned. Now, the Spanish judiciary has asked for the 27 defendants a total of 148 years in prison and a fine of EUR 2.5 million.

The gang

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