
Ugandan Army ending its manhunt for warlord Joseph Kony

"Joseph Kony, currently can count on the support of less than a hundred armed combatants and is now weak and lacking in landmarks. That is why it no longer poses a significant threat to the security of Uganda and in particular for Northern Uganda."

The ruins of a house burn down by the LRA in the Central African Republic Photo: HCR/D.Mbaiorem

“Joseph Kony, currently can count on the support of less than a hundred armed combatants and is now weak and lacking in landmarks. That is why it no longer poses a significant threat to the security of Uganda and in particular for Northern Uganda.”

In this way, last Sunday, Ugandan Army spokesperson Brigadier Richard Karemire, motivated the announcement of the next withdrawal of the two thousand troops of the Ugandan People’s Defense Forces (UPDF) from the eastern part of the Central African Republic.

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