
Un-demonized, the French extreme right feeds an Illusion nationale

Monday February 13, Marine Le Pen, the presidential candidate of the Front Nationale visited the Promenade des Anglais in Nice to pay tribute to the 86 victims of the attack in July 2016. Surrounded by the press under a gray sky, as expected she spoke of a "100% lack of security" due to the presence in France of "people who should not be here", and again, as expected, in  Menton she spoke against Schengen: "Without controlling the borders, no one can guarantee the security of the people in a country."

A sticker "Marine President" and a poster with a portrait of France's far-right National Front (FN) leader Marine Le Pen is seen on a window of the National Front local offices. REUTERS/Stephane Mahe

Monday February 13, Marine Le Pen, the presidential candidate of the Front Nationale visited the Promenade des Anglais in Nice to pay tribute to the 86 victims of the attack in July 2016. Surrounded by the press under a gray sky, as expected she spoke of a “100% lack of security” due to the presence in France of “people who should not be here”, and again, as expected, in  Menton she spoke against Schengen: “Without controlling the borders, no one can guarantee the security of the people in a country.”

So far, nothing new on the electoral front, yet politicians in the Héxagone are paying a fresh attention to the campaign due to end with the two-round election on April 23 and May 7. Balances changed in recent weeks because François Fillon,  the conservative candidate, plummeted in the polls due to a scandal involving his wife. At the same time, in the center/center-left camp former Economy Minister Emmanuel Macron emerged as a likely winner with his brand-new party En Marche!. The possibility of a runoff Le Pen-Macron is very high now, although polls should be considered with a pinch of salt. According to the PrésiTrack/ OpinionWay poll of 13 February, in the first round Le Pen progressed to 26%; Macron, also on the rise, to 22%; Fillon nose-dived to 21%; Benoît Hamon, the Socialist candidate gets 15%; and far-left Jean-Luc Melenchon 11%. In the second round, gaining conservative voters the FN of would rise to 37%, while Macron, benefiting from the fear of a Le Pen government, would become president with 63%.

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