
East Forum 2014: Promoting Talent and Entrepreneurship in Europe: a Way for Growth

Labour is a key topic whenever we address the issue of growth in the European Union.

The growing trend of employment in Europe in the 2000-2008 timeframe is opposed to a striking decrease that continues today. Before the discouraging employment figures in the EU Member States, understanding how the European and global labour market is changing becomes a priority with a view to developing appropriate policies and responding to the immediate and future challenges to the economy. READ MORE 

Labour is a key topic whenever we address the issue of growth in the European Union.

The growing trend of employment in Europe in the 2000-2008 timeframe is opposed to a striking decrease that continues today. Before the discouraging employment figures in the EU Member States, understanding how the European and global labour market is changing becomes a priority with a view to developing appropriate policies and responding to the immediate and future challenges to the economy. READ MORE 

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