
The next decade scenario

After more than twenty years, the CU continues to play a key role in modernizing the Turkish economy, by favouring - through a substantial increase in trade with European countries - the upgrade in efficiency of the private sector and Public Administration at the same time, as we have been demonstrating in our paper.

Students cheer during the opening ceremony of Recep Tayyip Erdogan Imam Hatip School in Istanbul. REUTERS/Murad Sezer

After more than twenty years, the CU continues to play a key role in modernizing the Turkish economy, by favouring – through a substantial increase in trade with European countries – the upgrade in efficiency of the private sector and Public Administration at the same time, as we have been demonstrating in our paper.

The CU has also transformed Turkey into what is called a “trading State”, contributing to Turkey’s full integration into the international system of exchanges: the country’s total foreign trade has in fact increased from 16.3 billion euros in 1985 to only 34.8 billion in 1994, up to a significant 310 billion euros in 2016.

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Investimenti esteri: un po’ di America in Italia

Innovation: the technology platform

Using the VRIN model

International competition

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