
Growth and integration are still at the center of Norwegian politics

The external support guaranteed by Christian Democrats and Liberals proves to be very expensive: the minority government formed by the Conservatives of (“Høyre”) and by populists (“Fremskrittspartiet”) had to change the initial draft of the program to secure the partial support of the two minor parties, for which the original budget has been increased by two billion two hundred million crowns. Support to families, funds for transport, deductions in favor of low-income couples were increased.

The external support guaranteed by Christian Democrats and Liberals proves to be very expensive: the minority government formed by the Conservatives of (“Høyre”) and by populists (“Fremskrittspartiet”) had to change the initial draft of the program to secure the partial support of the two minor parties, for which the original budget has been increased by two billion two hundred million crowns. Support to families, funds for transport, deductions in favor of low-income couples were increased.

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