
Covid-19: the direction of the EU after the crisis

Covid-19: EU stands powerless before the governments of member states to block internal commercial byways. What will the direction of the Union be?

Since January 2020, the Covid-19 pandemic has had a tremendous impact on the world economy due to local, regional and national lockdowns worldwide. In the face of this crisis, the EU has demonstrated weakness and an inability to handle resulting market shocks effectively. The EU stands powerless before EU member states that have blocked domestic commercial arteries, thereby prompting a key question: will the pandemic instigate further EU integration beyond an economic level? If so, what factors are necessary to deepen alliances amongst member states?

As a result of the economic and social integration through the Single Market, the impact on the national sovereignty of EU member states has been and remains negative. Turkish economist Dani Rodrik identifies the three key objectives for today’s global economies: globalisationdemocracy and national sovereignty. However, all three objectives cannot be achieved simultaneously; only a duo-combination can be successful.

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