
Covid-19: Europe’s precarious path

Covid-19: will the EU leadership conjure the necessary political courage to persevere in overcoming recurring deadlocks?

Covid-19: will the EU leadership conjure the necessary political courage to persevere in overcoming recurring deadlocks?

Halloween is over, but some uninvited ghosts are lingering to haunt the EU. After a decade of rebuilding and austerity, the bloc has suffered yet another harrowing economic blow, courtesy of the coronavirus. The pandemic has revealed new deadlocks in EU decision-making, as well as some all-too-familiar predicaments. The masks of intergovernmentalism, incompetence and complacency have fallen off – pun intended. This begs the question of whether the EU can go beyond the economy. In other words, can the European integration project grow into an ever-closer political union?

Disaster inflames deadlocks

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