
Will the EU learn from its mistakes?

The European Union has to establish cooperation and solidarity beyond economic issues, in order to overcome the Covid-19 pandemic. Will the EU Member States unite towards a common goal?

The European Union has to establish cooperation and solidarity beyond economic issues, in order to overcome the Covid-19 pandemic. Will the EU Member States unite towards a common goal?

On March 12th, 2020, the World Health Organization officially recognized the pandemic spread of Covid-19. Within days, 15 Schengen-area countries decided to shut their borders to all or most foreigners. It was precisely at this moment that the European Union appeared to be all but lost, broken to shambles once it faced a threat greater than budgetary disagreement, trade deals, or political qualms with neighboring countries. To the grief of many commentators, the commission stayed mute for days, unable to foster cooperation among its members. An ineptitude similar to the still-ongoing dispute over a common refugee policy.

A sustainable cohesion

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