

How the Forum was born

The East Forum (in the first Venice Forum editions) was born from the need to create an international meeting place where to explore themes and topics for discussion of European politics and from the need to strengthen UniCredit’s role as an actor in the international debate.

One of the objectives of the Forum has been – in a number of previous editions – to contribute to the debate on the integration of future Member States in Europe. The topics covered in the past editions were, among others, energy policy, industrial policy, migration and bilateral trade agreements.

  • 2018 “Eastwest Forum 2018”
  • 2017 “Digital Challenges”
  • 2016 “The New Europe: Migrations, Integration and Security”
  • 2015, “Global (Dis)Order: can international trade agreements revive growth?”
  • 2014, “Growth and employment in the EU”
  • 2013, “EU citizenship, Democratic Legitimacy and an Economic Union”
  • 2012, “The Challenge of Economic Growth: New Approaches to Industrial Policy”
  • 2011, “Competitive Growth for Quality Jobs”
  • 2010, “Re-Thinking the present in order to design the future: choosing sustainability”
  • 2009, “New Global Governance for Sustainable Growth”
  • 2008, “Migration from a national, European and global perspective”
  • 2007, “The European energy policy: enhancing security of supply by creating a single EU energy market?”
  • 2006, “A new reason for Europe”

East Forum Berlin

rivista di geopolitica, geopolitica e notizie dal mondo