
The democratic sustainability of the European project

We need to establish the practice of sustainable democracy by improving democratic awareness, active citizenship, common European identity, and strong and reliable institutions

Democracy deficit has always been seen a founding problem of the European Union (EU). Even with the numerous amendments since the Treaty of Rome, European democracy remains fragile. The COVID-19 crisis has shown that governments prioritize national interest to common EU values. Thus, we need to establish the practice of sustainable democracy by improving democratic awareness, active citizenship, common European identity, and strong and reliable institutions.


In this context, European citizens should be aware of democratic mechanisms to contribute to the European project. The responsibility should rely on schools to prepare the next generation for active participation in the European democracy. One of the solutions could be the extension of the competencies of the EU on education. Experts from all Member States could develop a curriculum for a new subject taught in schools across the EU. The subject should cover the functioning of the EU and its democratic principles and address common European history with focus on contemporary history and its consequences such as racism or authoritarian beliefs.


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