
Crimean Tatars: exposing human rights violations behind Covid-19 pandemic

After seven years since incorporation into the Russian Federation, not only has the humanitarian situation in Crimea shown no sign of recovery, but the outbreak of Covid-19 has also opened the doors to new scenarios of human rights violations

Since the dawn of its incorporation into the territory of the Russian Federation, Crimea has been the scene of numerous and severe human rights violations, and the members of the Crimean Tatar community have undoubtedly been the most affected. Over the past two years, the situation has deteriorated even more, and this is largely attributable to the outbreak of Covid-19. Unfortunately, the pandemic has opened the doors to new scenarios of human rights violations on the Crimean territory.

Many Ukrainian NGOs have denounced the occurrence of unprecedented events during the past year. In April 2020, for example, the Kharkiv Human Rights Protection Group reported several cases in which Crimean Tatars, especially activists, journalists and members of the national movement were forbidden to wear masks to protect themselves from contagion under the pretext of countering extremism. It is surreal that, at the same time, no Ukrainian citizen was allowed in public spaces without proper face protection.

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