
Goodbye Suga, who’s next?

Prime Minister Suga announced he will not run again for his party presidency. The next LDP president will likely become the next Prime Minister of Japan, but, unlike in past years, the primary result is not easily foreseeable, and the role is up for grab

On August 28, 2020, then Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe announced his intention to step down as president of the Liberal Democratic Party, citing a recurring health issue as motivation. The role of president of the LDP (the majority party in Japan since the second post-war save for six years) is logically linked to the role of PM. After little more than a year, on the 3rd of September, Abe’s successor, Yoshihide Suga made the same announcement, but for different reasons. Suga’s unexpected resignation is largely due to the fall in popularity of LDP under his leadership, following a less than successful response to the Covid emergency (according to the Japanese public), an initially slow vaccine rollout and a general lack of communication.

It is not a coincidence that Suga’s resignation came a week after the number of covid cases reached its highest record since the start of the pandemic in Japan (26.121 on August 22nd). But the final nail in the coffin for Suga was the defeat of his close ally Hachiro Okonogi in the mayor election of Yokohama, where Suga himself started his political career.

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