
NATO in Ukraine and the energy crisis in Europe

The EU and Russia seem to be walking into a crisis that may prove difficult to resolve diplomatically as tensions over Ukraine rise and the European energy crisis has no end in sight

On the one hand, an increasingly aggressive and perhaps desperate Russia attempting to keep its sphere of influence clear of European and American meddling as NATO eyes Ukraine. On the other hand, an EU that makes demands and threats without being able to carry them out due to its dependence on Russian energy. As relations reach a boiling point, the EU and Russia find themselves in a perilous situation. Neither party wants an all-out war in Ukraine if it can be avoided, nor can they afford to back down after years of rising tensions.

Russia grows desperate over Ukraine

As Russia deployed 100,000 troops on the Ukraine border last month, Ukraine responded by calling up its reserves while the EU and the US called out Russia for its aggression, promising aid to Ukraine and threatening Russia with sanctions. Ukraine has been on the back foot ever since the Russian occupation of Crimea in 2014 and its support of the separatist forces in Donbas, and this is unlikely to change anytime soon. According to Kyiv the only way that Ukraine can continue to be a sovereign state is by joining NATO, and the EU, as well as the US, seem to agree. However, Russia wishes to block such an alliance and has demanded that NATO keep away from the region or face the consequences.

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