
EU and China between CAI and human rights. A test for the future trajectory

A result of the new perspective created by "The EU-China 2020 Strategic Agenda" is represented by the Comprehensive Agreement on Investment, a proposed investment deal between China and EU

External echoes about the new agreement were strong, announcement sparked a ‘firestorm of criticism’ towards EU for not consulting US. Critics have accused EU leaders of recklessness in agreeing to deal or trusting China on issues such as sustainable development. Despite criticism, EU has followed its goal of developing strategic autonomy and independent foreign policy by extending its networking to new prolific partners.

Valdis Dombrovskis, EU’s trade commissioner, has argued CAI will prevent our companies from being put at a disadvantage by the US-China trade deal. Devising this new approach, EU states will gain a major boost in one of the world’s biggest growing markets, helping them to operate and compete in China. Even though, in agreement were secured binding commitments on environment, climate change and combating forced labor, some EU states were skeptical to approve and to sustain the ratification.

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