
Media and its influence on our perception of the world

Why do some topics, like the currently still ongoing war in Ukraine, get more attention from our media, and therefore also from the readers? And what are the issues that arise as a result of this?

Why do some topics, like the currently still ongoing war in Ukraine, get more attention from our media, and therefore also from the readers? And what are the issues that arise as a result of this?

Individuals are dependent on the media to obtain information. News portals and media are providing citizens with everyday information about what is happening in the world. What we see and read in the news is regarded as “important” since it is the information on which citizens build their understanding of current events throughout the world. In current times of uncertainty, this information becomes a critical component of society’s functioning as it severely influences crisis management and social behavior, making information and entertainment values the world’s driving factors. When the Russian forces attacked Ukraine in the early morning of February 24, it seemed like the world was holding its breath and following the happenings. The Covid-19 pandemic, which was dominating the news for the last two years, suddenly seemed to have lost its importance overnight. But why do some topics, like the currently still ongoing war in Ukraine, get more attention from our media, and therefore also from the readers? And what are the issues that arise as a result of this?

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