
Coronavirus, Sweden: the experiment of Gustav Adolph

Sweden has produced a proud and functioning example. Let's look at its results that rely on a great sense of individual responsibility

The last few weeks have been animated by the debate on the ease the lockdown, in Italy as elsewhere. Political forces clash, balancing between the needs of giving breath to the struggling economies and of safeguarding the health of citizens. In this context, an exception has attracted the attention of many: it is the case of Sweden, which chose a route that is alternative to the preventive lockdown dictated by public institutions.

Unlike most of the other states, the Scandinavian country has not opted for measures of extensive closure. The local Public Health Authority, favoured by the possibility to witness the developments of contagion in other contexts first and to take decisions in a non-critical situation then, justified the choice with the will to adopt a model sustainable in the long term. Therefore, the authorities have limited themselves to prohibiting meetings of more than fifty people, closing museums, requiring bars and restaurants to ensure distancing between their customers, and little else.

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