
Denmark’s new migration policy

The Danish Parliament approved a bill by the President to move asylum seekers' centres abroad, which immediately found opposition from Brussels and the UN

The Danish Parliament approved a bill by the President to move asylum seekers’ centres abroad, which immediately found opposition from Brussels and the UN

The Social Democrats party in 2019 won the elections in Denmark thanks to a stringent line on immigration, justifying their position by saying that migration flows should not disrupt the social fabric, showing how integration and welfare are interlinked. Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen had already presented to the Danish Parliament at the end of 2020 her government’s goal of achieving zero asylum seekers in the country. To demonstrate this very rigorous policy, Denmark has always been characterised, regardless of the political colour of its governments, by a very strict approach to immigration. Denmark differentiates itself also from the other Scandinavian states; it is no coincidence that, if one looks at the figures for 2015, the year of the height of the refugee crisis throughout the European Union, Denmark took in just over 21,000 refugees, which was equal to only one-eighth of all the migrants that were taken in by Sweden.

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