


Get to know the protagonists of the East Forum 2016

The panels will give the occasion to develop a positive discussion and confrontation between different perspectives and approaches to the topics of international trade agreements and their effects on the revive of growth, development and geopolitical balance. As in the tradition of the East Forum, the main contribution to the dialogue, during the different sessions, will be given by important political, institutional and academic personalities and exponents from the economic-financial world.


Giuseppe Vita

Chairman, UniCredit


Myrta Merlino

Journalist, La7


Domenico Manzione

State Undersecretary, Ministry of the Interior

İsmail Yeşil

First Legal Advisor of AFAD

Stephane Jaquemet

Regional Representative for Southern Europe, UNHCR

Piero Fassino

Former Mayor of Turin


Franco Roberti

General Attorney of National Antimafia Directorate

Michèle Coninsx

President of Eurojust


Erik Nielsen

Group Chief Economist of UniCredit

Anton Börner

President of BGA, Federation of German Wholesale, Foreign Trade and Services

Jean-Christophe Dumont

Head of the International Migration Division at OECD


Giuseppe Scognamiglio

Editor Eastwest

Romano Prodi

Former European Commission President and Italian Prime Minister

* Invited


Get to know the protagonists of the East Forum 2016

The panels will give the occasion to develop a positive discussion and confrontation between different perspectives and approaches to the topics of international trade agreements and their effects on the revive of growth, development and geopolitical balance. As in the tradition of the East Forum, the main contribution to the dialogue, during the different sessions, will be given by important political, institutional and academic personalities and exponents from the economic-financial world.


Giuseppe Vita

Chairman, UniCredit


Myrta Merlino

Journalist, La7

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