
Elections in South Korea: defeat for President Yoon’s conservatives

The result was expected but its proportion went beyond predictions. The political consequences were immediate. Yoon, in office until 2027, will be a lame duck, with repercussions also on foreign policy, an issue on which the two main parties are at odds.

Mr. Yoon should have developed a response after the heavy defeat suffered in the legislative elections on Wednesday 10 April. Instead he spent Sunday in an emergency security meeting, hastily organized after Iran’s attack on Israel. Yoon Suk-yeol is in trouble.

The president of South Korea watched inertly as the defeat suffered by his People’s Power Party: only 108 seats out of 300 in the National Assembly, which were also won in tandem with the satellite party. The remaining 192 all ended up in opposition. As many as 176 in the Democratic Party alone, the main opposition force led by his great rival Lee Jae-myung, defeated in a photo finish by Yoon in the 2022 presidential elections.

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