
EU energy policy: the beginning of the hydrogen era?

With the Green New Deal, EU is preparing to implement a real energy revolution, pursuing not only a green energy policy, but also developing a new supply chain for hydrogen

With the Green New Deal, EU is preparing to implement a real energy revolution, pursuing not only a green energy policy, but also developing a new supply chain for hydrogen

In 2015, the European Union decided to undertake a new energy policy within the bloc, capable of establishing an “Energy Union”. The Energy Union builds five closely related and mutually reinforcing dimensions: security, solidarity and confidence, for which it is necessary to diversify European energy sources and ensure energy security; a fully integrated internal energy market, allowing for the free flow of energy in the EU through appropriate infrastructure; energy efficiency, to reduce dependence on energy imports, reducing emissions and stimulating employment and growth; decarbonisation of the economy, committing to speedy ratification of the Paris Agreement and maintaining its leadership in the renewable energy sector; and research, innovation and competitiveness to support breakthroughs in low-carbon technologies and clean energy.

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