
Lebanon: one year after Beirut port blast

France's President Emmanuel Macron's diplomatic attempts have been unsuccessful sofar and Lebanon is facing a crisis that seems to have no end.

On 4th August 2020, one of the most powerful non-nuclear explosions in history devastated the port of Beirut and entire neighbourhoods in Lebanon’s capital, causing more than 200 deaths and around 7,000 injuries, due to the explosion of around 3,000 tonnes of ammonium nitrate. Initially it was feared to be an assassination attempt and the search for a culprit has not yet found an answer; families still demand justice, while the country struggles with an unprecedented economic crisis. The crisis in Lebanon, however, predated the explosions, due not only to the covid-19 but also and above all to the bankruptcy declared in March 2020, with a rapport debt/PIL of 170%.

Instead of a moment of reckoning, the blast has deepened Lebanon’s political paralysis – the country has had an interim government for almost a year – and an economic collapse that began in autumn 2019. Investigations into the blast have stalled, with sectarian leaders and their political parties closing ranks against a judge who wants to question several powerful officials. Lebanon’s political paralysis, financial crisis and stalled investigations might seem like separate problems, but they are the result of three decades of systemic neglect and lack of accountability since the end of a 15-year civil war in 1990.

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