

AUKUS: friends and nuclear submarines

The launch of the trilateral pact called AUKUS is a gigantic development in the Indo-Pacific area, but it has deeply irritated China and France and it sets a dangerous precedent for the Treaty of Non-Proliferation

“Open Balkan” initiative, an alternative to EU

Closed gates of the European Union led to “Open Balkan” initiative, the idea of forming a common market for countries waiting for EU membership, previously known as “Mini-Schengen Area”

Goodbye Suga, who’s next?

Prime Minister Suga announced he will not run again for his party presidency. The next LDP president will likely become the next Prime Minister of Japan, but, unlike in past years, the primary result is not easily foreseeable, and the role is up for grab

The European Union continues the fight against climate change

The European Commission approved a new package of investments and legislative proposals for a 55% reduction in emissions by 2030, known as “Fit for 55”. But what does it actually consist of?

Lebanon: one year after Beirut port blast

France’s President Emmanuel Macron’s diplomatic attempts have been unsuccessful sofar and Lebanon is facing a crisis that seems to have no end.

Tunisia’s Political Turmoil: Announced a 30-day Suspension of the Parliament

Complex geopolitical dynamics behind the institutional crisis. What is going on in Tunisia is much more the result of geopolitical balances in the region than a circumscribed institutional confrontation.

South Africa at a Breaking Point: Are remnants of apartheid still present?

South Africa has the highest Gini coefficient in the world (Macro-economic measure for inequality), making it the most unequal country in the planet.

EU Migration Policies in times of Covid-19

Towards a strengthened EU-coordinated approach on migration and asylum.

The Visegrad Group after the last summit in June

During the last V4 Summit under Polish presidency, the Prime Ministers of Hungary, Czech Republic, Poland and Slovakia discussed current achievements and new priorities for the future of the Visegrad Group

Bosnia and Herzegovina: a country with no future

The future of Bosnia and Herzegovina looks bleak: poor economy, high emigration rates of the young and educated population, unemployment, poverty and corruption


Environmental Sustainability Within Private Companies

Environmental Sustainability Within Private Companies

Singapore: Who Is Lawrence Wong

Brazil Suffers From Climate Change

Xi Jinping: The Trip To Europe

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