
Coronavirus: will the European economy be rescued?

Coronavirus: the European economy has been put to the test during the lockdown. Will the European Union be able to use this unique moment for strengthening solidarity and cohesion?

The Covid-19 pandemic is not only a disastrous global health crisis, but has also had a massive impact on worldwide economies. With a predicted GDP decrease of over 7 % percent and the forecast loss of 12 million workforces in 2020, the European Union has been put to the most crucial test since its foundation; a test which will either showcase the EU’s functioning through successful recovery efforts, or severely threaten its raison d’être in case of failure.

All eyes have been on decision-makers as the EU, with slight delay but joint decisiveness, jumped in for emergency measures to cushion the most immediate social and economic impacts of the looming crisis. In one of the first responses, ​the Coronavirus Response Investment Package was launched to support the states most affected by the pandemic with immediate liquidity and loosened spending rules, followed by the injection of €540 billion in loans into the Eurozone to directly support workers, businesses and member states . The European Central Bank’s purchase of bonds from banks and companies​, ​within its proposed ​€1,350 billion Pandemic Emergency Purchase Program, has further increased lending abilities across the EU and was designed to bring inflation back on track in the medium-term.

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