
US elections: has Trump lost?

2020 US elections: is Trump re-election fruitful or futile? There is no question that he has left an unmistakable impression on US politics, but will his actions bolster re-election hopes or cause him to crumble?

2020 US elections: is Trump re-election fruitful or futile? There is no question that he has left an unmistakable impression on US politics, but will his actions bolster re-election hopes or cause him to crumble?

Trump’s 2016 presidential victory ushered in a new era of combative modern politics. His business acumen translates into his governance, propounding ruthlessness and minimal partisan compromise. For some, this is a welcome change; others, political turmoil. A key factor of Trump’s presidency is communications – both social media and the press. Throughout the technological era, presidents’ online accounts have been limited to posts of strictly relevant information and administration-related announcements. Trump naturally disputed this practice, maintaining command of his online presence – the first president to do so. During his incumbency, his Twitter followers have had full access to his beliefs – often informative, sometimes societally retrogressive.

Social media and the press

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