
Covid-19, education: online or in-person?

The outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic puts the schooling process under the pressure of new rules. What spring schooling will look like in Europe?

Covid-19 puts the schooling process under the pressure of new rules. European countries are applying different approaches between on- and off-line teaching for the new school year.

Online mode or offline mode?

The outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic has triggered a strong debate over the current schooling process. Universities, schools and other educational institutes were forced to shift their programs into online mode from spring to autumn 2020. According to a recent article in Science Magazine, approximately 1,500 members of the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health admitted that continuation of the online process of the education harms youth more than protects school communities from the probability to become infected. The fact that children are less likely than adults to suffer from severe symptoms of the virus helps (Science Magazine). Many countries hard hit by the virus have oscillated between in-person and remote learning, sometimes establishing different rules from school district to school district. The fact that the effects of the pandemic are on the rise again begs the question of whether spring schooling in Europe will continue to be online or whether there will be attempts to return offline.

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