
Covid: WHO’s next

The WHO is the only organization that will protect us from future pandemics, but its success will depend on the willingness of states to cooperate

The WHO is the only organization that will protect us from future pandemics, but its success will depend on the willingness of states to cooperate

Given the recent outbreak of the deadly Covid-19 and its many mutations and strains in a short period, one thing is certain: another pandemic is a matter of “when” rather than “if”. And whether we take our cue from the title of the fifth album of the English rock-band or consider the prospects for the World Health Organization in the management of future pandemics,  the WHO – a UN specialized health agency – seems to be our “who’s next” on whom to bet to avoid a crisis potentially worse than the one we are currently facing.  But to understand why, we first need to understand the historical development of the agency, and its operational tools.

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