
AUKUS: friends and nuclear submarines

The launch of the trilateral pact called AUKUS is a gigantic development in the Indo-Pacific area, but it has deeply irritated China and France and it sets a dangerous precedent for the Treaty of Non-Proliferation

On September 15, the three leaders of the US, UK and Australia announced the birth of a new trilateral pact, called AUKUS. The atmosphere at the press conference was warm and jovial (President Biden called PM Johnson by his first name and addressed PM Morris as “that fellow down under” and “pal”), in stark contrast to some of the previous press conferences, where the topic was the US rushed retreat from Afghanistan. In fact, one can say that AUKUS is the exact opposite of that defeat: Afghanistan signaled US disengagement from the Middle East, AUKUS a further deployment in the Indo-Pacific; Afghanistan was a diplomatic debacle, AUKUS a victory; In Afghanistan the US abandoned an ally, with AUKUS they tightened the bond with a historic friend. Briefly, after Afghanistan the US looked weaker, after AUKUS stronger.

But what is AUKUS? Diplomatically, it is not a momentous change, such was Nixon’s visits to China in the seventies. Many are the bonds already binding these nations: NATO between the UK and the US, the Commonwealth between Australia and the UK (queen Elizabeth II’s face is still depicted on Australian coins), and the intelligence alliance Five Eyes, which includes the three nations plus New Zealand and Canada. The real game changer is the technology and expertise sharing that will deliver a fleet of nuclear submarines to Australia. Thus, Australia will enter the exclusive club of countries with nuclear subs capacities, that, as of now, includes the US, the UK, Russia, India, China and France. What has been stressed by all three leaders is the fact that these new subs will be powered by a nuclear reactor, but they will not be armed by nuclear weapons (after all, that will be in breach of the Treaty of Non-Proliferation).

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