
China observes the conflict in Ukraine with contempt but learns the lesson with pleasure

While on the one hand China condemns the Russian-Ukrainian conflict in ambiguous terms, on the other hand it learns essential lessons that one day could be handy

A few days after the return of the Olympic athletes from Beijing, Russia militarily invaded Ukraine, shaking the semblance of a European status quo that had been solidifying international relations since the beginning of the pandemic. This offensive came to a head after Russia conducted military exercises on the border with Belarus and Ukraine for weeks in response to Ukraine’s pressing demands to join NATO. From the outset, the leaders of the Atlantic Alliance stood united and condemned this invasion in chorus, considered by all as “unjustified and unjustified“.

However, among the world’s superpowers, some states have not outlined their opposition to this intervention as a “special military operation“. Among these countries, China, which stalls with blows of statements through its foreign minister Wang Yi, tries to find an ad hoc strategy for this international crisis.

China’s position

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