
Why Biden’s trip to the Middle East has failed

Joe Biden's first presidential trip to the Middle East did not bring the hoped-for outcomes, at least for the White House. Rather, Saudi Arabia has been benefited and can now flaunt the Kingdom's centrality in the region

U.S. President Joe Biden’s trip to the Middle East recently ended. It began on July 13 with his visit to Israel and finished three days later with the Summit of the Leaders of the United States and the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Countries, that extraordinarily included Egypt, Jordan and Iraq in an unusual GCC+3. The aim of this trip was to rebalance the relations between the American administration and partners in the region, thereby redefining economic and political goals in the area.

During the visit to Israel, Biden met with Israeli leaders, namely the current Israeli Prime Minister Yair Lapid, former Prime Minister Naftali Bennett, President Isaac Herzog, and Likud leader Benjamin Netanyahu. The central theme was the security in the region, particularly in light of the regional relations with Iran. Biden pledged his utmost commitment to ensuring Israel’s security, and together with Lapid signed a new joint statement aimed at expanding security relations between the two countries in an anti-Iran perspective. He reiterated his country’s steadfast commitment to Israel’s security so that Iran does not develop nuclear weapons. He also expressed his idea that diplomacy is the best way to prevent any escalation, and supported reviving the JCPOA nuclear deal, from which former President Donald Trump withdrew the United States in 2018. However, this proposal appears very weak, especially since the Iranian counterpart does not seem really interested in it, and even the Israeli leadership has shown its skepticism about its possible success. In fact, during the press conference with Biden, Israeli Prime Minister Lapid said that the only way to stop Iran is to put a credible military threat on the table.

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