
The Editor’s – Note Some very bad news

Most people know the story of the shepherd boy who 'cried wolf' – and then, when real wolves came to raid his flock, could find noone to believe him. Something similar has happened in the case of the deadly hemorrhagic fever Ebola, now raging across five West African countries, with no indication of containment in sight.

After the relative flops of Swine Fever, the Avian Flu and Mad Cow Disease – none of which turned out to be the pandemic their promotors were predicting – the World is only slowly awakening to the possibility that Ebola might be ‘the real thing’.

The only good news we have about this outbreak is that it appears slightly less deadly than in the past – killing only about 60% of those infected, as opposed to the 90% seen previously. There is no known cure and no vaccine. This is very bad news.

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