
Trapped in Greece, Amnesty International: 50 thousand migrants abandoned

Trapped in Greece. That’s the title of the report by Amnesty International on fifty thousands migrants trapped in Greece. The country that is already suffering for austerity measures and a devastating economic crisis now has to face with one of the biggest humanitarian challenges of the last years, among the egoism of member states in much better conditions. The EU immigration plans until now have failed.

The relocation of 66 thousands of migrant from Greece to an other EU state failed : since September 2015 to April 2016 only 616 asylum seekers have been relocated. As the EU-Turkey agreement is failing and the closure of the Balkan route that caused the effect of the block of thousands of migrants on the Greek land. The closing of the Balkans route blocked thousands of mogrants in Greece in uncertain condictions and in a state of constant fear <>. That’s the shame of Europe on the painful of most vulnerable people. Yes it is impossible to don’t cry in front of these images, as Pope Francesco said. The strongest and political words came from the Pope during his visit in Lesbos.

A funny joke it is going around on fb: “Games without borders” (the famous television program of the nineties) is coming back but only Greece and Italy are partecipating. It makes an idea of which Europe we are living today, but no wall will stop the “march of hope”.

Europe between walls and the never ending march of hope

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