
What Europarliament can we expect

Will the new parliament witness a shake up? It will certainly have a harder time managing a huge budget and a few broken promises

The European Parliament in Strasbourg. EU parliamentary membership turnover rate is between 40 and 60%. A Euro-parliament of inexperienced or euro-sceptical members could slow decision-making processes. REUTERS/Vincent Kessler/Contrast

Will the new parliament witness a shake up? It will certainly have a harder time managing a huge budget and a few broken promises

Many things will change in Brussels and Strasbourg after the May elections. Although the opportunity for a ‘revolutionary’ transformation is being bandied about and artfully exaggerated by the anti-establishment forces of the international sovereigntist movement, there should in any case be a strong divergence from the past. Accelerating a transition process that is already underway towards a more politically driven European Parliament.

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