
Political upheavals

Euro-scepticism didn’t win out: Italy, Hungary and Poland collectively amount to 25%, but the governments of the major EU countries are all under pressure

Italy Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini at a press conference. Forty percent of the Italian electorate opted for a nationalist party, the League or Fratelli d’Italia. REUTERS/Remo Casilli/Contrast

Euro-scepticism didn’t win out: Italy, Hungary and Poland collectively amount to 25%, but the governments of the major EU countries are all under pressure

The European elections at the end of May brought to light how Italy’s is no longer aligned with its traditional partners. In no other major European country Euro-scepticism held sway like did in the Italian peninsula. Forty percent of the Italian electorate opted for a nationalist party, Matteo Salvini’s League or Giorgia Meloni’s Fratelli d’Italia. North of the Alps, the Euro-sceptic wave fell flat. In Germany, Chancellor Angela Merkel and her Christian Democrats had their most disappointing showing since 1949, but this mainly benefitted the Greens and not the radical right. Alternative für Deutschland only rustled up 10% of the votes. In Spain, the Neo-Franchist movement Vox obtained just 6%, without anything like the success they’d recorded in Andalusia last December. The only ambivalent country among Europe’s greats is France. The Rassemblement National obtained 23.5% of the vote, topping French President Emmanuel Macron’s la République en Marche. The result is significant, but it’s more of a confirmation that a novelty. For years now the country has had to come to terms with a party steeped in a broad and retro nationalism that picks up votes among the victims of globalisation and decolonisation. It’s not the euro they’re against, it’s the proud and nostalgic memory of a France of the past they’re trying to revive.

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